How to buy Graph Coin (GRT Coin)
GRT Coin is live and here is the stepwise tutorial to help you purchase Graph coin. Binance is the best crypto exchange where you can buy GRT (Graph) coin. With our link, you will get subsidy on the transaction charges. Let us see, how to proceed with the trading.

How to buy Graph coin
Step 1 : Create account on Binance exchange
Binance is the best platform to buy Graph / GRT coins. Not only for GRT but for every cryptocurrency, i find Binance as the safest and most reliable crypto exchange. You can create your free account on Official Binance Website. Once you have the account ready, you can proceed further. If you face any challenges while setting up the account, you can read stepwise article that will guide you stepwise to create account on Binance.
Step 2: Use your credit card or Debit card to purchase Graph / GRT coin
- First Go to Exchange -> Basic and search for graph cryptocurrency (Direct Link).
- Now enter the coin quantity with the price of purchase.
- Select Cash as payment method.
- Click on Buy to initiate the transaction and complete it by providing required details.
- You will get coins in your virtual wallet.
You can also use BTC, ETH, BNB and exchange it with GRT crypto.
Step 3: That is it
Once you complete the transaction, you will get the coins in your virtual Binance wallet. You can store them in physical wallet or you can transfer it to any other wallet of your choice.
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